Job Number: 5342
Account Code:
Department ID:
Commodity Code:
Event Name: Oneida Language teaching cards
Requestor Name: Pat Catalano
Requestor Phone: 829-8215
Requestor Email:
Director's Email:
Actual Event Date: 2016-08-10
Expiration Date: 2016-08-10
Date Needed: 2016-08-10
Target Audience: Oneida language students
Project Description:
20 sets of language cards, 17 cards per set. 4.5 x 5.5
Artwork was sent to Allen Skellham.
paper - 12 x 18 Mohawk Digital Synthetic
Send to Jeff for laminating and trim
Assign to Debbie Balfe. She will generate a proof for final review.
Use Previously Created List: No
List Parameters (tiers,interests,..):
20 sets of language cards, 17 cards per set. 4.5 x 5.5
Artwork was sent to Allen Skellham.
paper - 12 x 18 Mohawk Digital Synthetic
Send to Jeff for laminating and trim
Assign to Debbie Balfe. She will generate a proof for final review.
Date List Last Used:
List Date:
Drop Date:
Requestor's Name:
List/Mailing Name:
Estimated Quantity To Mail: