Marketing Requests - Details

Job Number: 5262

Account Code:
Department ID:
Commodity Code:
Event Name: SavOn Discounts / Employee Gas Station

Requestor Name: Sharlene Lascelles
Requestor Phone: 361-7893
Requestor Email:
Director's Email:

Actual Event Date: 2016-07-29
Expiration Date: 2016-07-29
Date Needed: 2016-07-29

Target Audience: Employees
Project Description:
Request Felicia for SavOn flair & creativity please. Can we get a t-stand, a poster and an intranet set (jpg of tstand 750x1000 and a thumbnail 400x300) that highlights the big savings employees get while using the employee gas station and using the SavPay card - plus the savings combined with Terrific Tuesdays? I drew up a matrix to see the savings visually and can send along to the graphic designer.

Designer Assigned

Copywriter Assigned

Coordinator Assigned

Felicia Anderson

Pamela Ouimet

No coordinator assigned.

Direct Marketing

Use Previously Created List: No

List Parameters (tiers,interests,..):
Request Felicia for SavOn flair & creativity please. Can we get a t-stand, a poster and an intranet set (jpg of tstand 750x1000 and a thumbnail 400x300) that highlights the big savings employees get while using the employee gas station and using the SavPay card - plus the savings combined with Terrific Tuesdays? I drew up a matrix to see the savings visually and can send along to the graphic designer.

Date List Last Used:
List Date:
Drop Date:

Requestor's Name:

List/Mailing Name:

Estimated Quantity To Mail:

Employee Communications

HR Symon Board: Yes

Team Spirit Central Banner: Yes

T-Stand: Yes

Team Talk: No

Poster(s): Yes
Quantity: 2

HR Flyers: No

Email Employee News & Information: Yes