Job Number: 2250
Account Code:
Department ID:
Commodity Code:
Event Name: BMI Dependent Audit Reminder
Requestor Name: Kim Hatzinger
Department: YBR Casino and Sports Book - Retail
Requestor Phone: 315-361-7858
Requestor Email:
Director's Email:
Actual Event Date: 2015-06-03
Expiration Date: 2015-06-30
Date Needed: 2015-06-03
Target Audience: Employees with dependents on their health and or dental plans.
Project Description:
Need T Stand, Janus, and TS Central Button for the Dependent Audit Reminder. Suggested pieces were emailed to Kerry Zegarelli. These should be in the same format as the Dependent Audit Benefit Corner pieces were. Other than a T-Stand, we won't need any additional material printed. We will print flyers from the digital copy for posting at the Resort.
Use Previously Created List: No
List Parameters (tiers,interests,..):
Need T Stand, Janus, and TS Central Button for the Dependent Audit Reminder. Suggested pieces were emailed to Kerry Zegarelli. These should be in the same format as the Dependent Audit Benefit Corner pieces were. Other than a T-Stand, we won't need any additional material printed. We will print flyers from the digital copy for posting at the Resort.
Date List Last Used:
List Date:
Drop Date:
Requestor's Name:
List/Mailing Name:
Estimated Quantity To Mail:
HR Symon Board: Yes
Team Spirit Central Banner: Yes
T-Stand: Yes
Team Talk: Yes
Poster(s): Yes
HR Flyers: Yes
Email Employee News & Information: Yes